Add Activities Menu Not Fully Visible

Hi all,

We’re doing a self-hosted instance of the server, accessed through the dashboard, and we’re trying to add Activities. When attempting to add activities, the menu does not display the contents of the menu, only showing “Import Activities”

Please see below for a screenshot of the behavior
acitvities cutoff

Have you added the ActivitySpecs to the server?

I have been following the instructions (making changes where necessary for a self-hosted instance) as written at Deploying the LAMP Platform | LAMP Platform and Testing the LAMP Platform | LAMP Platform

Is adding the ActivitySpecs an additional step? Should the curl command(s) be executed for each Sensor, Participant and Survey, etc.?

I’ve run the curl commands and successfully added an Activity with this method, that said it requires knowledge on how to use curl, have it installed on user’s devices, and the knowledge to rename activities afterwards.

Is this the currently only known method to add an Activity? Should the drop down menu that appears when clicking “Add” not have an option as indicated here: Create and Customize Surveys | LAMP Platform

This is the nature of hosting completely independently. Otherwise, adding ActivitySpecs to a server shouldn’t be very difficult. It only requires using the tool at this site Create an ActivitySpec. | LAMP Platform and adding {“name:” activity} as the body.

Thank you. I am documenting this for our internal purposes. So, because we’re doing a self-hosted instance instead of using an EC2 instance in AWS, users have to use the curl commands to create Activities, Participants, and so on, correct?

This is only necessary when adding ActivitySpec or SensorSpec. To add other objects like researchers and participants, this can be done easily using API commands or by deploying the front end (dashboard)

Hi Carsten,

I set up a test instance in AWS using the same instructions to show my users the difference between AWS and a self-hosted instance, but I’m running into the same issue. I still have to run cURL commands to add activities, etc. and the GUI is limited.

You should only need to add each SensorSpec and ActivitySpec once per server. After that, the activities and sensors can be assigned to participants or groups of participants using the LAMP dashboard UI dropdown menu.

Hi Carsten,

Thank you for clarifying that SurveySpec, ActivitySpec, and SensorSpec need only be added once. It seems after adding an SurveySpec that users are not able to add questions to the survey. Is this also something that should be done through cURL by the users?

You should be able to add and modify surveys using the LAMP dashboard UI - no cURL commands are needed

Hello, I am dealing with same situation that others mentioned here. I can execute the code; however, the code is commented that I execute. I cannot change the code that executed and I just can edit Body, server_url (which I changed it to our server); what do I need to do to run the Body code to add the activities. Thank you!

Have you seen this?

Thank you very much for your prompt response. Yes, I have been trying that. The only thing I do different is having “id”: “lamp.survey” instead of {“name”:}. In the Body code, I can’t see {“name”:}. When I execute the cURL code, this the output:

  "data": {}

And I checked the dashboard, nothing added.
Here is the code that I run:
curl -L ‘
-H ‘Content-Type: application/json’
-H ‘Accept: application/json’
-H ‘Authorization: Basic bWF5ZWxpYUB1cG1jLmVkdTpvYWMhMTIzNCQ=’
-d ‘{
“id”: “lamp.nback”,
“help_contents”: “string”,
“script_contents”: “string”,
“static_data_schema”: {
“$id”: “string”,
“$schema”: “string”,
“$ref”: “string”,
“$comment”: “string”,
“title”: “string”,
“description”: “string”,
“readOnly”: false,
“examples”: [
“multipleOf”: 0,
“maximum”: 0,
“exclusiveMaximum”: 0,
“minimum”: 0,
“exclusiveMinimum”: 0,
“maxLength”: 0,
“minLength”: 0,
“pattern”: “string”,
“maxItems”: 0,
“minItems”: 0,
“uniqueItems”: false,
“maxProperties”: 0,
“minProperties”: 0,
“required”: [
“definitions”: {},
“properties”: {},
“patternProperties”: {},
“dependencies”: {},
“enum”: [
“format”: “string”,
“contentMediaType”: “string”,
“contentEncoding”: “string”,
“allOf”: [
“anyOf”: [
“oneOf”: [
“temporal_event_schema”: {
“$id”: “string”,
“$schema”: “string”,
“$ref”: “string”,
“$comment”: “string”,
“title”: “string”,
“description”: “string”,
“readOnly”: false,
“examples”: [
“multipleOf”: 0,
“maximum”: 0,
“exclusiveMaximum”: 0,
“minimum”: 0,
“exclusiveMinimum”: 0,
“maxLength”: 0,
“minLength”: 0,
“pattern”: “string”,
“maxItems”: 0,
“minItems”: 0,
“uniqueItems”: false,
“maxProperties”: 0,
“minProperties”: 0,
“required”: [
“definitions”: {},
“properties”: {},
“patternProperties”: {},
“dependencies”: {},
“enum”: [
“format”: “string”,
“contentMediaType”: “string”,
“contentEncoding”: “string”,
“allOf”: [
“anyOf”: [
“oneOf”: [
“settings_schema”: {
“$id”: “string”,
“$schema”: “string”,
“$ref”: “string”,
“$comment”: “string”,
“title”: “string”,
“description”: “string”,
“readOnly”: false,
“examples”: [
“multipleOf”: 0,
“maximum”: 0,
“exclusiveMaximum”: 0,
“minimum”: 0,
“exclusiveMinimum”: 0,
“maxLength”: 0,
“minLength”: 0,
“pattern”: “string”,
“maxItems”: 0,
“minItems”: 0,
“uniqueItems”: false,
“maxProperties”: 0,
“minProperties”: 0,
“required”: [
“definitions”: {},
“properties”: {},
“patternProperties”: {},
“dependencies”: {},
“enum”: [
“format”: “string”,
“contentMediaType”: “string”,
“contentEncoding”: “string”,
“allOf”: [
“anyOf”: [
“oneOf”: [

You need to edit the “body” field to make it {“name”:}

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One more question. I added these 2 Assess (es)

However when I press begin, I see this page

Hi, Does anyone know why, while the tasks show up in the Assess section, I cannot complete them? When I click on them, a page opens with the message “about:blank.” Please see the screenshots :point_up_2:t4:

How long ago was it that you added these activities? Trails B has been renamed to Jewels B (please add the spec lamp.jewels_b to your server), and the n_back test is not supported on mindlamp

I just randomly pick those 2 tasks from the list here:

It seems I was unlucky. I tried jewels_a and worked. Tanks for your response. I have some other issues for scheduling the tasks and downloading the results. But I assume I can find those information somewhere (I haven’t had a chance to look for them yet); if not, I might need some guidance on them too. Thanks again for your great help.

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Ah, I see. Note that those two activities are under the “coming soon” section and are not (yet) available.