I’ve successfully created my own AWS EC2 instance of mindLAMP thanks to @clangholm’s help in this discussion. Now in the UI, my team and I are trying to create surveys, activities and sensors. I followed @omateus’s post Add Activities Menu Not Fully Visible as my “Add” button looked exactly the same.
I ran the curl command on your API documentation Create an ActivitySpec Authorizing myself as my admin and changing to my domain. I added the following to the body…
And then clicked Execute at the bottom. The result in the UI is the following…
I can create an activity if I click this, but I cannot add any survey elements whatsoever. All I’m allowed to do is provide Titles, descriptions, an image, and streak descriptions. What curl call do I have to execute to get these two options seen below in my add menu? Thanks a ton in advance
Quick question, where would I find the spec names in the the github lamp-server repo? I believe I’ve found the files that create their architecture (src/model/ActivitySpec.ts and src/model/SensorSpec.ts) but where would I specifcally find all the valid names that the lamp server has to offer? In the docs I’ve looked at the Activity Types and Sensor Types sections but I worry that the documentation can sometimes be inconsistent and I would like to find this information in the code as well.