[LAMP-dashboard] Added support for custom ActivitySpec definitions, including custom configuration, text, icons, and script contents.
[LAMP-dashboard] Added a warning popup to require the user select a group to create an activity or sensor under if none specified.
[LAMP-dashboard] Reduced background network requests when polling for new clinician-sent messages.
[LAMP-dashboard] Reduced background network requests for sensor data when only viewing the home screen of the app.
[LAMP-dashboard] Reduced background network requests for analytics when logged in as a researcher instead of a patient.
[LAMP-activities] The Matrix options type is now fully available for Surveys, with full data export support for every type of question.
[LAMP-core-ios] Added full support for detection of ambient light and sound, wearable/watch positioning and accelerometer, aggregated daily travel routines, detailed keyboard typing metrics, text message and phone call usage with third-party app support, cross-browser website and cross-device app usage/screen time and notification pickups data, through the new Apple SensorKit framework.
Not available for use outside of BIDMC-approved studies; requires developer entitlements which necessitate a legal contract with Apple Inc. and BIDMC; contact us for questions about SensorKit.
[LAMP-core-ios] Reduced background callbacks when sensor data collection is disabled to preserve battery life.
[LAMP-core-ios] Enforced strict data collection rules to match organization-level requirements when sensors are configured.
[LAMP-core-ios] Added support for a new schedule repeat-type every two weeks.
[LAMP-core-android] Added support for Battery Saver (i.e. Low Power Mode on iOS) detection to assist with imputation of missing sensor data.
[LAMP-core-android] Reduced background callbacks when sensor data collection is disabled to preserve battery life.
[LAMP-core-android] Eliminated App Not Responding issues; the app now crashes instead of hanging indefinitely and slowing down the phone.
[LAMP-core-android] Added user-facing crash report to allow users to quickly screenshot or screen record bugs and app crashes.
[LAMP-core-android] Added support for a new schedule repeat-type every two weeks.
Bug Fixes
[LAMP-dashboard] Resolved an issue where certain Activity configuration text boxes (i.e. Tips) were not resizable.
[LAMP-dashboard] Resolved an issue where the back button did not work in certain activities (i.e. Tips) when opened from a notification.
[LAMP-dashboard] Resolved an issue where it was not possible to exit certain activities (i.e. Tips) when opened from the mobile app.
[LAMP-dashboard] Resolved an issue where the Activity scheduler interface would not recognize typed date/times, requiring users to slowly manually select them via clock/calendar interface.
[LAMP-dashboard] Resolved an issue where the Activity scheduler would not allow scheduling activities on the first of the month.
[LAMP-dashboard] Resolved a SIGNIFICANT issue where grouped activities would always display in an infinite loop for certain users.
[LAMP-dashboard] Resolved an issue where tab page headings would display in all lowercase.
[LAMP-dashboard] Resolved an issue where the Save button of the Activity configuration page would obscure the configuration form itself.
[LAMP-dashboard] Resolved a SIGNIFICANT issue where surveys and voice recordings would not load under certain configuration parameters.
[LAMP-dashboard] Resolved a SIGNIFICANT issue where users would be automatically logged out erroneously when opening an activity from a notification without network connection.
[LAMP-dashboard] Resolved an issue where certain mobile devices would clip parts of the activity interface, preventing successful completion of the activity.
[LAMP-dashboard] Resolved an issue where a single data point would not display or display incorrectly as a mini tile in the Prevent tab.
[LAMP-activities] Resolved an issue where the Goal Tracker and Medication Tracker activities (not officially available for public usage) did not connect to the ActivitySpec API correctly and would not work with the dashboard.
[LAMP-activities] Resolved an issue for the DBT Diary Card where the Actions graph did not display a date range picker.
[LAMP-activities] Resolved an issue where images were not center-aligned for the Scratch Card activity.
[LAMP-activities] Resolved an issue where time picker questions in Surveys would display the wrong time format (AM/PM vs. 24hr).
[LAMP-activities] Resolved an issue with Pop the Bubbles where certain bubbles would overlap and remain fixed in the center of the screen.
[LAMP-activities] Resolved an issue where bubbles in Pop the Bubbles had reduced sensitivity to taps.
[LAMP-activities] Resolved an issue where bubbles in Pop the Bubbles would sometimes display on the edges of the screen, making it difficult to see or tap them.
[LAMP-core-ios] Resolved an issue where local notifications (i.e. offline non-push without server involvement) sent notifications with an incorrect timezone.
[LAMP-core-ios] Resolved an issue where local notifications would fail with unhandled schedule repeat-types.
[LAMP-core-ios] Resolved an issue where lamp.device_state data would be saved under the legacy name lamp.screen_state.
[LAMP-core-ios] Resolved a SIGNIFICANT issue where tapping on an activity from a notification would lead to a white screen.
[LAMP-core-android] Resolved an issue where local notifications (i.e. offline non-push without server involvement) sent notifications with an incorrect timezone.
[LAMP-core-android] Resolved an issue where toggling battery saver mode when not logged into the mindLAMP app would crash the app.
[LAMP-core-android] Resolved an issue where if no sensors were configured, all sensor data would be collected for a user.
[LAMP-core-android] Resolved an issue where sensor data collection maximum frequencies were not the same between iOS and Android.
[LAMP-core-android] Resolved an issue where the WearOS app would be out-of-date with the Android app due to a GitHub workflow issue.
[LAMP-core-android] Resolved an issue where Android analytics data would not match the format of the iOS analytics data.
[LAMP-core-android] Resolved an issue where lamp.device_state data did not match the same data format as iOS.
[LAMP-core-android] Resolved a SIGNIFICANT issue where tapping on an activity from a notification would lead to a white screen.
[LAMP-server] Resolved an issue where SensorEvents would not be flushed from the cache to the database correctly.
[LAMP-server] Resolved an issue where the ActivitySpec schema provided incorrect parameter names.
[LAMP-worker] Resolved an issue where push notifications would be sent to users even if the device had logged out of the mindLAMP app.
Regarding the release item below, I wanted to confirm that from our self-hosted instance of mindLAMP at Temple University, we cannot access the new SensorKit feature? What would be the steps to access this? We are interested given the missing call/text data with our current study setup, but understand if this is available for BIDMC studies only.
[LAMP-core-ios] Added full support for detection of ambient light and sound, wearable/watch positioning and accelerometer, aggregated daily travel routines, detailed keyboard typing metrics, text message and phone call usage with third-party app support, cross-browser website and cross-device app usage/screen time and notification pickups data, through the new Apple SensorKit framework.
o Not available for use outside of BIDMC-approved studies; requires developer entitlements which necessitate a legal contract with Apple Inc. and BIDMC; contact us for questions about SensorKit.
To clarify, you will also need to rebuild and modify the native app for iOS and watchOS and resubmit it under your organization (Temple)’s app store account. Then your organization will also need to sign a legal contract with Apple, then your team will need to provide IRB approval documentation to their teams directly. This process will take at least a year, potentially several. There is also further upkeep involved after that, too.
Hi again @avaidyam, can you please confirm what sensors should be available for android devices at this time? I noticed some of the updates reference harmonizing the format of iOS and Android sensor data or refer to specific android sensors. In pilot testing two different Android devices, we are seeing data for accelerometer, analytics and gps sensors, but “lamp.steps”, and “lamp.device_state” are both blank for androids (whereas all 5 are available for iOS devices). Is this expected, and/or are there other sensor names we should try calling? More generally, is there a process for staying updated on which sensors are vs. are no longer available for iOS and androids - it seems like this tends to shift? Thank you again!
This issue shouldn’t present once the App Store and Play Store release the newest builds for iOS and Android. These are the correct names though.
Yes, we’re updating our documentation and we will soon (in the next 2 months) converge on the finalized list of sensors and configuration parameters for the LAMP Platform. It’s unlikely we’ll have additional sensors to pull data from for quite some time.
Got it thank you! And just to confirm, per the documentation Android users MUST also download the google fit app and have a google account to log in with?
If you’d like to capture fitness data, yes, you do need to have the Google Fit app downloaded, which does require a Google account. In the future (~2024) we expect this to no longer be a requirement.
A few more android-specific notes: after downloading the newest build (2022.4.25) and configuring settings as recommended, two separate android users have confirmed they are not receiving survey notifications (Google Pixel 6 running android software v 12; Samsung 10e). Is this currently still an android-wide issue (no survey notifications)?
Regarding sensors, the google pixel 6 is collecting accelerometer, analytics, gps, and device state, but NOT steps (whereas all sensors including steps are collected on the Samsung 10e). Attached screenshots show the permissions on the google pixel 6.
Regarding login, the google pixel 6 user is seeing a pop-up (attached screenshot) prompting them to login with a google account each time they open up mindLAMP. This occurs after they had logged into google fit using an existing google account and logged into mindLAMP using the 10-digit mindLAMP ID & credentials. Clicking on the screen outside the pop up brings them to the “Assess” page, where they are already logged in with the mindLAMP study account.
@khackett That’s interesting - I’m using a Pixel 6 and was receiving notifications when I tested LAMP a few weeks ago on this same version. To collect step count, you will also need the Google Fit app installed and fully configured (including logged into a Google account). Is this dialog popping up every single time even if an account is tapped? You can’t click outside the popup to dismiss it.
Hi @avaidyam - that’s strange; I confirmed these two android users including the Pixel 6 had the latest version of mindLAMP installed and that all notifications settings/permissions were configured appropriately, but still no survey notifications. Regarding step count, the Pixel 6 user was logged into Google Fit and fully configured as well (above screenshot shows location and physical activity enabled under Fit). Do you have any other tips or suggestions regarding the survey notifications for Androids, and other troubleshooting tips to gather the Step count? Can you also confirm that for android users who do not have an existing google account, that skipping the Google Fit step will only eliminate the “Steps” sensor but not the others (e.g., GPS, accelerometer)?
Re: the dialogue, the Pixel 6 user confirmed this pop up comes up every single time they open the mindLAMP app, even after closing and relaunching the app. They are already logged into mindLAMP with their study ID, and to google fit with their google credentials. Each time when she clicks on the screen outside the popup, she is brought to the “Assess” page where she is logged in. Would you recommend instead of clicking outside the popup that the user select a google account and see what happens? Thank you!
the Pixel 6 user was logged into Google Fit and fully configured as well
From your earlier post, it seems like you or the participant were tapping outside of the Google sign-in dialog. That cancels the Google Fit login. (You must tap on the right Google account once you open the mindLAMP app to allow Google to share Fit data with LAMP.)
Do you have any other tips or suggestions regarding the survey notifications for Androids, and other troubleshooting tips to gather the Step count?
Nothing more than is already available in our documentation here, unfortunately. If you think this isn’t sufficient and would like to see additional info or edge cases remarked, please let me know!
that skipping the Google Fit step will only eliminate the “Steps” sensor but not the others
I believe this is correct, only step count is affected for now, but there are other Google Fit sensors (such as nutrition, water, blood pressure, blood glucose, menstrual cycle tracking, etc.) that are not available for public use right now that will also be affected.
Would you recommend instead of clicking outside the popup that the user select a google account and see what happens?
Yes, because tapping outside the dialog actually cancels the Google Fit login. This is a weird UI issue on Google’s part that isn’t made clear unfortunately.
Hi @avaidyam - just wanted to see if there have been any updates to address the missing survey notifications for androids (still missing as of yesterday for a Google Pixel 5a and a Google Pixel 6), as well as the repeated prompt to sign into a google account each time the user opens mindLAMP. Thanks!