Features & Improvements

Features & Improvements

  • Added the ability to load ActivitySpec executables directly from the API (BETA).
  • Added new configuration parameters for Voice Diary prompts.
  • Added customizable Streak text and the ability toggle Streaks on and off.
  • Added the ability to modify the CACHE_SIZE variable to adjust SensorEvent cache flushing thresholds.
  • Resolved a connection stability issue when using the Android app to connect to a LAMP server.
  • Added the ability to schedule notifications in the patient’s local timezone.

Please note that when upgrading to the latest version of the LAMP dashboard or server (2022.2.14), clinicians are required to re-save all activity schedules to update GMT-scheduling to local timezone scheduling. If this step is not performed, patients may receive notifications early or late.

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved several issues with weekly filters for DBT Diary Card visualizations that were not synchronized.
  • Resolved visibility issues with DBT Diary Card visualizations including font and text placement.
  • Resolved an issue with DBT Diary Card visualizations where a single data point did not appear (it now draws a line).
  • Resolved an issue with DBT Diary Card graphs rendering incorrect dates or time ranges.
  • Resolved an issue where all notes from past DBT Diary Cards did not appear when viewing data.
  • Resolved an issue with erroneous character limits applied to matrix survey questions (BETA).
  • Resolved an issue where the back button would not work for exiting Tips.
  • Resolved an issue where the back button did not capture data for Journal and Tips.
  • Resolved several issues capturing Breathe and Tips data when being used by patients.
  • Resolved out-of-order and skipping issues with activities sequentially placed in groups.
  • Resolved out-of-order dates on the Feed tab.
  • Resolved a crash issue when loading the Feed tab in certain conditions.
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