Hi there. I am a contractor working for McGill, tasked with deploying Lamp. I have minor experience with Traefik and docker. No swarm. Here’s what I did so far in Lamp:
opened ports 9000 and 9443 along with 80 and 443
pointed domain dot com, www.domain dot com, api.domain dot com, db.domain dot com to compute engine IP
- installed portainer CE. I can login on the 9000 port
- docker swarm init
- followed your deploying doc
portainer container list shows lamp_cache, lamp_databse, lamp_message healthy.
lamp_server1 is stuck in starting
no ssl access. Trafak should use let’s encrypt implicitly?
lamp_server1 is stuck in starting
portainer CE does not use lets encrypt / cerbot. I have to install a certificate manually
any suggestions easy catches before I clean and try again?