R Script: Server connection not working


It appears that the server connection is not working when running the mindLAMP r script. Specifically we are getting these error codes when trying to connect to the server to download data for our study.

1) activity_map <- LAMP.Activity$activity_all_by_researcher(researcher_id)$data %>% rename(activity = id)
Error in reshape::rename(., activity = id) :unused argument (activity = id)

2) activity_map <- LAMP.Activity$activity_all_by_researcher(researcher_id)$data %>% rename(activity = id)
Error in UseMethod("rename_") : no applicable method for 'rename_' applied to an object of class "NULL"

Any assistance on this issue would be greatly appreciated!

We are looking into the issue and will try to resolve it as soon as possible.


Could somebody send over a python script that allows us to create a data frame with the following variables: participant id, time stamp, activity, name, activity duration, item, value. Hoping to create a data frame similar to the results data frame created through the R script.


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I think @rdmello is on it!