Once we generate the Couch DB Password should we put them in this parameter under Environment CDB: ‘https://admin:DB_PASSSWORD_HERE@database/’ ?
and here environment: COUCHDB_USER: ‘admin’ COUCHDB_PASSWORD: ‘DB_PASSWORD_HERE’ ?
Also, what goes into PUSH_API_KEY: ‘YOUR_PUSH_KEY_HERE’ PUSH_API_GATEWAY: ‘YOUR_PUSH_GATEWAY_HERE’ ? should we leave it blank?
Lastly, how can I Delete the entire MSSQL environment so that we can save space and verify if my migration to Couch DB is successful?
For now, you can leave those blank or remove them entirely as we cannot provide these until we have received your IRB and you are a full Consortium member.
To delete the environment, you can either delete the service in docker or in Portainer.
I did update with the actual names but I am getting the following error even after creating “data” folder inside the root directory of the Virtual Machine.
If you’re getting this error, it means that file system is not successfully shared in the docker container. Have you created a couchdb folder in the data folder?
Thanks Rebecca! Yes, I created the folder and updated the YML file to point to the /data/couchdb file. I had to update the CDB URL with port number inside environment as the following - CDB=https://admin:12345@database:5984/ now the containers are running but I see these below errors in the CouchDB Container…
Awesome! That fixed all the errors and I was able to get the API endpoint up and running. Sorry one last question: I entered the couchdb password as password in this Interface but it’s not logging in.