I will post some more detailed info about our server and our efforts to start mindlamp on it.
Server specs:
- Debian “Buster” 10.6
- Linux 4.19.0-12
- Docker 19.03.13
We had:
configurated swarm with one node and also swarm manager
added a network to swarm with:
docker network create --driver overlay --attachable public -
edited lamp.yml (added to this post as pics, I had blacked out some information that we could change later, but our server administrator was not sure if we should share them (generated keys and passwords))
The rest of the lamp.yml should be standard (I am unable to upload to one post more embedded files as a new user) -
we predownloaded image, because it did not automatically download during the deployment
docker pull ‘bidmcdigitalpsychiatry/lamp-server:latest’
docker pull apache/couchdb:latest
docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server:2017-latest -
deployed lamp on swarm
docker stack deploy --compose-file lamp.yml lamp
During this time we had encountered the “No such image: docker.pkg.git…” issue and later on it changed to the “task: non-zero exit(1)”. As I recall this was around the time we were building wrong image. I even tried compiling our own image from sourcecode but it did not help.
Later on we had unblocked the 80 and 443 (first step in manual, but our administrator was afraid to play too much with access ports, becauste this server is being used by more people at the university) ports in our firewall so we can comunicate with the lamp, but that seems like not an issue right now with the deployement.
As I said in my previous post I can not see the solution in notion so I am trying to find some here. We had looked through the deployement instruction multiple times by now and still can not find any thing we would do wrong, but we just might be looking in the wrong direction.
We will be very grateful for any help with this persisting problem and I will give out more details if it would help with finding out what our problem might be.