
Hello. I am new to the Lamp framework and pretty excited to start working with it.
Could anyone point me how to create notifications for the user of the mindLamp app using the dashboard or else?
Say for example I would like that all the patient in group one be notified everyday at 9am to complete a survey about their night of sleep…

Hi @gd1,

When you have an activity added to a user or a study group, when you attempt to edit it you can also schedule the activity to send a notification at a certain time. See our documentation at Delete and Schedule Activities | LAMP Platform - let me know if you have any questions!


Hello Suraj.
Thanks for your reply. Would that notification visible outside of the mindLamp app? Say in the iOS notification center or android equivalent. I assume it is the case best just to make sure.
Thanks again; this is much appreciated!

Hi @gd1,

Yes, a notification will be sent to your phone, along the lines of “mindLAMP has an activity waiting for you”, which will show up in your phone notifications. Let me know if that answers your question!


Hi Suraj,
that’s sounds perfect! Thanks a lot for your help and have a great day,