I’m a little lost when it comes to navigating the documentation when it comes to this topic. I’ve tried setting tags through the GUI interface and adding researcher tags via LAMP.Type.set_attachment, but at most it just shows the raw data in the Data Portal page.
What would be an example of creating my own basic plot? How can I use VEGA to create these?
Regarding using VEGA to create basic plots, we use the altair package. There are a number of examples on their page: https://altair-viz.github.io/. In terms of setting attachments (sometimes called tags), these are mostly strings used as identifiers (as in researcher or study IDs) or visualizations. Visualizations require VEGA as you have mentioned. VEGA plots have to be attached as JSON files in the body of LAMP.Type.set_attachment. Charts and graps can be converted to JSON format via altair’s to_dict() function.
Our team also uses Cortex, which has a ton of pre-built code for producing visualizations. I’ve attached our documentation outlining Cortex, along with the visualizations you can create with it.