Updating deprecated sensors

Hi all,

Our team is looking for guidance on how to update the deprecated sensors on our self-hosted platform. Specifically, the sensors below are being returned from the API, but we are missing “lamp.device_motion”, “lamp.telephony”, and “lamp.nearby_device.”

Can you please confirm the best approach to add these sensors? We want to avoid making an error and jeopardizing the database as we have several active participants collecting sensor data.

Thank you very much!


{‘data’: [{‘id’: ‘lamp.accelerometer’, ‘settings_schema’: {}}, {‘id’: ‘lamp.accelerometer.motion’, ‘settings_schema’: {}}, {‘id’: ‘lamp.analytics’, ‘settings_schema’: {}}, {‘id’: ‘lamp.blood_pressure’, ‘settings_schema’: {}}, {‘id’: ‘lamp.bluetooth’, ‘settings_schema’: {}}, {‘id’: ‘lamp.calls’, ‘settings_schema’: {}}, {‘id’: ‘lamp.device_state’, ‘settings_schema’: {}}, {‘id’: ‘lamp.distance’, ‘settings_schema’: {}}, {‘id’: ‘lamp.flights’, ‘settings_schema’: {}}, {‘id’: ‘lamp.gps’, ‘settings_schema’: {}}, {‘id’: ‘lamp.gps.contextual’, ‘settings_schema’: {}}, {‘id’: ‘lamp.gyroscope’, ‘settings_schema’: {}}, {‘id’: ‘lamp.heart_rate’, ‘settings_schema’: {}}, {‘id’: ‘lamp.height’, ‘settings_schema’: {}}, {‘id’: ‘lamp.magnetometer’, ‘settings_schema’: {}}, {‘id’: ‘lamp.respiratory_rate’, ‘settings_schema’: {}}, {‘id’: ‘lamp.segment’, ‘settings_schema’: {}}, {‘id’: ‘lamp.sleep’, ‘settings_schema’: {}}, {‘id’: ‘lamp.sms’, ‘settings_schema’: {}}, {‘id’: ‘lamp.steps’, ‘settings_schema’: {}}, {‘id’: ‘lamp.weight’, ‘settings_schema’: {}}, {‘id’: ‘lamp.wifi’, ‘settings_schema’: {}}]}

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It seems like your group needs to add new SensorSpecs to your platform. We do this on our platform using the API tool: Create a SensorSpec. | LAMP Platform. I would recommend entering credentials using the authorize button. After this, edit the server url. Lastly, to install the SensorSpec, change the body to: {“name”:'lamp. ___ '} where ___ is the sensor in question.

Let me know if this fixes your problem.
